Tuesday, September 27, 2011

In case you haven't heard of her.. Jenna Marbles, everyone!

Jenna Marbles, sharing some thoughts that I happen to agree with, put in a way that only Jenna Marbles can..

Jenna details her view of what I often call the Barbie/Ken Complex.

'Don't sit around and fucking complain to the rest of us (girls) how no one wants to buy you fucking shoes and clothes, and give you a free ride for life because you have tits and a vagina, unless you want to be TREATED like a PAIR OF TITS AND A VAGINA" - Jenna Marbles.

Please see her YouTube Channel, and Her Blog.

you can also follow her on Twitter. I know I do, cause the bitch is crazy and I love her.


  1. I really agree with what Jenna had to say in this video. Some women take advantage of the stereotypical role of males being the “provider” and only try to date men that are very wealthy and can buy them everything they want. I know girls in my University who admit they are trying to get their “M-R-S” degree—find a rich boy to marry so they won’t have to work for the rest of their lives. Some of these girls even consider themselves to be feminists. In my opinion, if you really want equality, you shouldn’t capitalize on the gender roles that are currently holding you back. Jenna makes a really good point that when you work hard for your money, spending it on someone else is a really kind gesture that they shouldn’t take advantage of/take lightly. She points out that these parasitic girls who take advantage of their boyfriends’ generosity rarely if ever return the favor. “When was the last time you bought your boyfriend a fuckin’ brand new pair of sneakers?” She touches on that sometimes-awkward first date moment when the check comes and the girl is not sure whether she should pay for her meal. In my opinion, if I (as a guy) ask a girl out on a date, I am inviting her to come out with me as my guest. If I took a girl out to a restaurant of my choosing, I am going to pay for her dinner. It would be rude to ask her to pay for her meal when she had no say in choosing the restaurant. This girl is my guest, and it is my goal to show her a fun night. Yes, I worked hard for the money I am spending on her, but I am spending it on her because I want to, not just because she expects it. I guess it is a matter of personal value, but I think chivalry is important, even if it holds to traditional gender roles. I will hold a door open for a girl to be polite, not because I think she is too dainty to open it herself. While gender roles should not be exploited, I think it is important to recognize that to a certain extent, typical male gender roles can be mistaken for common courtesy (like paying for dinner and holding open doors). I would be offended if I held open a door for a girl out of courtesy, and she turned it around on me by accusing me of being a chauvinist asshole.

  2. Nice to hear from a guy on this! I'm quite comfortable calling myself a feminist, but I've never been too cozy with the direction that some women have taken the movement. I agree. If you ask someone out as your guest, regardless of gender, you should pay. For one thing, it's not exactly fair to ask someone out for dinner, take them somewhere that is well-beyond their price range, and then expect them to shell out more than they otherwise would have.

    For the record, I make a point of getting awesome gifts for the man I'm with. I get ALL the "good girlfriend points" for my vast knowledge of gaming and what's worth buying ;-)


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